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Omega Technical Solutions has been serving the Haymarket area since 2007, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How You Delegate Tasks is Important for Productivity

How You Delegate Tasks is Important for Productivity

Delegation is something that you, as the leader of your organization, need to master in order to get the most efficiency out of yourself and your team. There are various ways to handle delegation, all with their strengths and flaws. We’re here today to help you figure out your own personal management style and how technology can help you carry it out.

Let’s consider the strategies you might use to delegate tasks to your team and how involved you are in their completion.

A More Hands-On Approach

Your approach will differ depending on the employee you are working with. In some cases, they will work most effectively when you are very involved in the process yourself. This means that you will be spending a lot of your time working with them on the task, providing step-by-step guidance the entire way. 

Just Checking In

This style of delegation involves you still checking in and authorizing work in a lot of cases, while you also retain the right to the final decision. You’ll still be guiding them, but this is a step away from the hands-on approach used in the earlier step. You’re still granting a certain amount of freedom while also guaranteeing that results can happen.

Providing Curated Feedback

With this style of delegation, you’re collaborating with the team toward the desired outcome. While the team is mostly working on its own, you are actively contributing your feedback and opinion based on what’s going on during the process. You’ll have the final say, and your team will use your feedback to work toward that final product.

Take a Crack At It and Then Let’s Talk

When you use this type of delegation, you’re basically trusting your team to get the work done, then reporting to you only when they have completed it. They experience little oversight on your part, and they require minimal supervision to do an adequate job. You won’t necessarily influence their decisions throughout the process unless you deem it necessary. This is a great way of delegation when you can make it happen because it essentially removes all responsibility for the task from your shoulders, leaving you free to pursue other tasks.

Use Your Best Judgment

Finally, we get to the one you wish you could implement all the time—a completely hands-off approach where you simply trust your team to get the job done on their own with no oversight. They have full autonomy and full accountability (the latter is very important). You won’t build this type of trust quickly, but if you can get to this point, you’ll be in a great position to improve productivity.

The Right Tools Enable Your Team

Omega Technical Solutions can help your business implement all the technology you need to be successful with your delegation. Call us at (703) 743-3056 to learn more.

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